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How to host a memorable Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving

Written By: Katie Shadoan

Are you going to be hosting a Thanksgiving or a Friendsgiving party this year? Well if so, you've once again came to the right place! We are going to give you some awesome tips to make sure it goes smoothly, is memorable, and has everyone gushing to their friends about how great your party was!

The things we are going to discuss:

  • Table Setting

  • Playful Food/Appetizers

  • Games/Ice Breakers

#1 Table Setting

Table Setting is such an important factor to how the event will go. If it's plain and simple, there will be no lasting effect to your guests. If it's unique, fun, and've hooked them! People will want to gather and be around the table, just because of how it looks! Don't worry you can do it fairly cheap! It's all about the little things you can place around the food to draw it all together. Here is a simple idea we've found for you, that all you need is some candles & candle holders, pumpkins, and greenery (Hobby Lobby). If you want to go the extra mile, go to amazon and buy colorful throwaway napkins, rose gold plastic utensils, etc.

Credit: Pinterest

#2 Playful Food/Appetizers

Turkey Fruit Tray!

This appetizer is not only yummy, but it is colorful, fun, and will for sure impress those guests! The good thing about it? It's fairly simple to make!

#3 Games/Ice Breakers

It can be awkward when you have friends over that don't know each other, so don't worry we've found a few things to help you get everyone laughing and having a good time!

WHO/What AM I?

  • Sticky Notes

  • Pens

To get people talking to one another pass out a sticky note to your guests and a pen and have them write a thanksgiving themed thing, food, person, etc. then jumble them all up and hand them out to your friends to put them on their foreheads (DON'T LET THEM PEEK)! Then have them go around asking guests questions that can be answered only with a YES or NO. (For example.."Am I a food?"). First one to guess their item will get a prize or maybe to get their plate first!

Do a toast!

Have all your friends hold their glasses up (alcohol or non-alcohol) and have them say something they are thankful for that has happened over the year or someone they are thankful for and why! This is great to get people in a happy mood, and it also allows people to immediately bond over something shared from the heart.

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