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Say Heyyy to our NEW Summer Affogato Series!!

We're sooo excited to introduce our brand new SUMMER SERIES: Affogatos!!

And yes, we mean affogatos plural. Our first is your standard Espresso Affogato, next we have Chai. The Chai Affogato might just be the crowd favorite! Third in the line up you'll find matcha. Can't go ever wrong there. Last, and probably one of the prettiest affogatos you'll find out there is our Blue Spirulina Affogato.

Don't forget to customize with your fav toppings! Glitter, purple dust (natural from purple carrots), caramel drizzle, and more!!

And as we strive to add lively ingredients (because well it's aesthetically pleasing), you'll find each affogato is topped with an edible flower. #photoworthy

Also available with oat milk ice cream.

Check out more photos and our flyer below!!

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